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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Severe IE Vulnerability

An unpatched vulnerability in Internet Explorer 7 (which also affects older versions of the browser as well) is on the loose. Microsoft has stated that IE 5.01 with SP 4, IE 6 with or without SP 1 and IE 8 (Beta 2) on all versions of the Window OS are affected. To complete the horror IE 7 on Windows XP SP 2 and 3 and Windows Vista with or without SP 1 are also vulnerable. Web sites are now actively exploiting the vulnerability. One has to merely view a Web site in order to have a Trojan horse program automatically downloaded to their machine. Once downloaded the evil doers can manipulate the rogue program to download other software which could perform actions such as sending spam emails or steal data. Since Microsoft's next patch is not due until January 13, 2009 one would be wise to use an alternative browser such as Firefox or Opera. Just sayin' . . .