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Saturday, October 20, 2007

RealPlayer Exploit

User of Internet Explorer under Windows are vulnerable to drive-by downloads simply by visiting an evil Web page. As usual, it is an unknown and unpatched ActiveX component that is causing the problem. Note that both Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express clients are also at risk. Best practices? Uninstall RealPlayer, use an alternative browser such as Firefox or Opera and use another email client such as Thunderbird or Penelope. Those who just can't part with RealPlayer should visit http://service.real.com/realplayer/security/en/ and (when available) download and install the patch. Ryan Naraine over at ZDNet.com has a great write up with info and fixes.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Eudora Morphs Into Penelope

Some old (six months) news for those who use an email client cobbled together anywhere but Microsoft. The venerable email client from the early 1990's, Eudora, is no longer being upgraded, patched or otherwise looked at by its creator, Qualcomm. From the ashes comes a new open-source email client dubbed, Penelope, which appears based on the Mozilla branded engine that now powers Thunderbird.