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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Java Trojan RedBrowser-A Targets Cell Phones

Evildoers have created a Trojan that targets cell phones running Java. Found by Kaspersky Lab this puppy infects any device capable of running Java applications. The text is only in Russian so far so the chance of running into this outside of that country is small. The threat is that someone may reverse engineer it for other countries so keep on your toes. This Trojan pretends to be a WAP browser offering free browsing via SMS messages. Since many companies the world over offer cheap or free SMS the victim is tricked into believing they are able to browse the Web for free. In reality the trojan sends SMS messages to one specific number that will charge back a premium amount on the victims cell phone bill. Best Practices circa 1878: If it sounds to good to be true it probably is. Best Practices circa 2006: If it sounds to good to be true Google it.