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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Installing Firefox Extensions

Firefox adds to its functionality by making it possible for anyone to add what are called "extensions" to the browser. These extensions are available at the Mozilla site here - The easiest way to be informed of new extensions is to add the following feed to your RSS aggregator.

I suggest you check out the existing extensions - many are very useful for specific purposes.

On the other hand there exists the Abe Vigoda Status Extension - but who are we to judge?

Time to install Formfox - Open this link in a new tab.

Install Now About half way down the page you will see a tan box with the words Install Now - Click it.
Greyed Out The Software Installation dialogue box will initially grey out the Install Now button forcing you to consider the security implications of what you are doing.

Since this site is known safe we will continue.

Once the Install Now button turns its regular colour we can click it to continue the installation.

Install Now The Install Now button has turned its regular colour and it has a big green check mark so click it to continue.

The dialogue box (below) will pop up.

restart To be able to use the extension you must restart Firefox as indicated in the Extensions dialogue box.

Before you do check the last two pics below.

To access this dialogue box at other times click Tools - Extensions.

From here you can Update extensions, uninstall extensions and check for new extensions.

Formfox Example Here we have an example of the Formfox extension at Google.ca - With the mouse hovering over the Google Search button we can see that the form will indeed be sent to http://www.google.ca/search and NOT http://www.russian-mafia.ru !
Checking For 
Updates Every so often - and ALWAYS after upgrading Firefox itself - click the icon to the right of the Help text button - Firefox will check all the sources for your installed extensions and if there are updates or newer versions it will prompt you to install them.

In some instances updates to extensions will take time and for a period after installing an updated Firefox some extensions won't work - indeed there have been extensions that have remained broken and were eventually uninstalled :-(